Modern Church:
An international society promoting liberal Christian theology
We encourage open, respectful debate on Christian faith. Founded in 1898 as an Anglican society, we welcome all who share our ethos, work ecumenically to encourage non-dogmatic approaches to Christianity and support liberal voices in our churches.
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We are delighted to be a founding contributor to this statement: The Power of Partnership.
“As individual organisations we recognise the power of partnership.
As such, Inclusive Church, Modern Church, OneBodyOneFaith, Open Table Network, Progressive Christianity Network, and Student Christian Movement will proactively seek opportunities to work together to challenge inequality, pursue justice, and provide teaching and resources, for the good of the Kingdom of God.”
This statement was at first developed as a direct response to the video produced by the CEEC’s harmful and deliberately divisive video released shortly after the LLF materials were made available. Our organisations have come together, agreeing to find ways to work proactively together to “challenge inequality, pursue justice, and provide teaching and resources, for the good of the Kingdom of God”. We remain mindful of our own missions and ministries but want to not only be open to finding ways to work together, but to proactively listen for and seek out where God may be calling us to.