Modern Believing is Modern Church’s journal, published quarterly by Liverpool University Press.
The aims of Modern Believing are
- to publish fresh, constructive, tradition-informed, responsible, open-minded, challenging, easily readable theology;
- to keep its readers in touch with recent developments in all branches of Christian theology, and with progressive accounts of Christian beliefs and doctrines, in dialogue with other disciplines.
The aims of Modern Believing are achieved, in partnership with our co-publication Signs of the Times, by
- establishing themes for each edition, inviting articles from established and emerging scholars,
- publishing reviews of books, especially books which illuminate the themes of each edition,
- and publishing edited presentations from conferences and events of Modern
Students in universities, colleges and theological institutions which subscribe to the EBSCO database or to Liverpool University Press, may access Modern Believing online. Subscription to the journal is £5 per month which includes four issues per year, access to the back copies of the journal online, and full membership of Modern Church.
- Editor: Prof. Adrian Thatcher.
- Reviews Editor: Dr. Victoria Turner
How to sign up to receive Modern Believing
Subscribe to receive Modern Believing by joining Modern Church online here.
How to read the journal online
Members who pay at least £5 per month and subscribe to the print copy of the journal can also read it online, including access to articles in past copies. To do this:
- Check that you are signed in to the Modern Church website by clicking on the green triangle with a small white down arrow at the top left of the website.
- You will be asked for your username or email address and also your password. These will be whatever you used when you subscribed with Modern Church. If you can’t remember the password linked to your email address you can reset it.
- Once you are signed in to the Modern Church website click the blue button at the top of this page and it will take you directly to the journal page on the LUP website.
- If you are having trouble logging in please email the Administrator at and they can help to find your log in details.