Publishing in Modern Believing

Modern Believing publishes conference papers from the annual conference of Modern Church. Articles for the remaining issues are generally commissioned by the Editor in consultation with the Editorial Team established by the Trustees. However, opportunities may be available for uncommissioned articles to appear in the journal. If you have a suggestion or a proposal please contact the editor in the first instance.

Guidance Notes for Authors

Length: Articles should not exceed 3,500 words. Exceptionally and by agreement with the Editor an article may be up to 5,000 words.

Abastract: The article should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 100 words.

Keywords: The article should also be preceded by a list of keywords, up to a maximum of 6, in capital letters and alphabetical order.

Language: Inclusive language should be used. In order to increase accessibility, a clear, simple style of writing should be attempted, and technical words avoided or explained.

Biographical statement: The article should be accompanied by a short ‘bio’, up to a maximum of 25 words, at the end of the article.

Author’s postal address: Please include a postal address in order to receive a printed copy of the edition in which your article appears.

Preparation of Files

Page layout and spacing: The ‘page’ size should be A4. The line-spacing should be double.  All margins should be set at 2.54 centimetres.

Title:  The title should be centred.

Paragraphs: The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 centimetre. There should be one line space between paragraphs.

Subheadings: In addition to the title, up to three levels of headings may be used.

Quotations: Single quotation marks should be used, except in the case of a quote within a quote, when double quotation marks should be used. Long quotations (30 or more words) should be indented and in a separate paragraph without quotation marks.

Biblical Quotations: The New Revised Standard Version or the New Jerusalem Bible are preferred. Both are readily available on-line, for example at and at

Abbreviations of Biblical books: Abbreviations should follow the form given in the Revised Standard Version.

Proof-reading: The text of the article and the accuracy of the references should be very carefully checked prior to presentation. Proofs are not sent to authors.


End-notes are used. Full bibliographical references should be contained in the notes. There is no need for a separate bibliography.

At the end of the article, references should be in accordance with the following examples:-

Books: Don Cupitt, After All: Religion without Alienation (London: SCM, 1994), p.108.

Subsequent references to a book: (avoiding op.cit, ibid, etc.): Cupitt, After All, p.110.

Article in a book: Paul Willis, ‘Cultural Production and Theories of Reproduction’ in L. Barton & S. Walker (eds), Race, Class and Education (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1983).

Subsequent references to article in a book: Willis, ‘Cultural Production’, p.53.

Journal article: I.G. Hopkins, ‘The Fiscal Role of the Marketing Boards in Nigeria’, The Economic Review, 73, 1969, p.83.

Subsequent references to a journal article: Hopkins, ‘The Fiscal Role of the Marketing Boards’, p.85.

Internet: Jane Williams, ‘Images of the Love of God’, Church Times, Issue 7763, 30 Dec 2011. [accessed 05 Jan 2011].  If possible, the reference should provide the same details as book and journal references.  Details of the author, title, full web address, date of publication, and date accessed, should be given.  If the date is missing, write ‘Undated’.

Newspapers: Guardian, 18 Feb. 1985, p.9.

Uncommissioned Articles

Articles are peer reviewed against three criteria:

  • the promotion of liberal Theology in the Church and in the Academy;
  • originality and academic integrity; and
  • accessibility to its readers in academic and church life, and beyond.

Only articles that have not previously appeared or been presented concurrently elsewhere will be considered for publication.

The Review Process

The article will be peer reviewed, by one or two reviewers and by the Editor.  The process of review will be conducted as speedily as possible, but no guarantee can be given about the length of time required.

Revisions: If reviewers recommend revisions prior to publication, the Editor will forward the recommendations to the author so that the revisions may be made.

Rejections: The Editor may give reasons for rejecting a manuscript but is under no obligation to do so.  The Editor’s decision is final.

Copyright: The copyright remains with the author.

Amendments: The Editor reserves the right to shorten, and to make editorial amendments to, any article prior to publication.

Guarantee of publication: The Editor cannot guarantee a date for the publication of an article that has been ac