The PSG was established at the end of 2004. It was born from a concern about the way in which public debate in Britain was growing increasingly debased, raucous and unfruitful. Our aim was to attract like-minded people concerned in one way or another with public life, to look together at the issues facing us as a nation, and where possible to try to influence local and national decision-making.
We set about this by having discussions online open to anyone who wished to join in, and also by setting up sub-groups concerned with particular areas of concern – the environment, asylum seekers, poverty, housing, education, health, racial and gender discrimination.
The group agreed a statement of values and some core principles:
Statement of Values
The Public Square Group seeks to build a society that values liberty, equality, human dignity, the common good and human flourishing in a world valued in its own right. We oppose discrimination on ‘any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status’ as set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (1950).
Core principles
- We are committed to exploring how we might contribute to the recovery of a vision of society and the world, one where all are equal in their ability to share in contributing to the common good, and in which the planet is cherished.
- In doing so we wish to work with and learn from partners from all traditions and beliefs.
- We seek to be informed by the latest research in economics, social policy and any discipline which contributes to human flourishing and the future of the planet.
- We aim to be well informed so that we can speak the truth to all.
- We are committed to dialogue that opens up new avenues to thinking widely and generously, exploring new possibilities and engaging in positive action for change.
We welcome anyone to join us at our meetings on Zoom as we seek to develop the groups aims and objectives and to take effective action.