A Political Faith?

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Jun 03 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

A Political Faith?

At its best, Christianity is a worldly religion – seeking to build a kingdom/kindom of God on earth and challenging the ‘principalities and powers’ that seek to oppress and imprison us. Across history, Christians have clashed and colluded with those in political power – for good and for ill. This panel will explore where we have come to and ask, where should we go next? What can we learn from the history of political theology? Can churches be (re)formed in conversation with party politics, and how can we bring an effective and ethical influence to bear on those who hold political power?


Min Shermara Fletcher-Hoyte, National Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-Cultural relations at Churches Together in England.

Dr Jenny Leith, author of ‘Political Formation: Being Formed by the Spirit in Church and World’, SCM Press, 2023.

Professor Graeme Smith, founder editor of the International Journal, ‘Political Theology’, Taylor and Francis.

Chaired by Professor Elaine Graham of Modern Church

This event is held as part of the political theology series, The Power and The Glory? Talking Politics in a General Election Year. Brought to you by Modern Church in collaboration with Church Times.

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