On the Money: thinking theologically about the system of mammon – Online


Dec 03 2024


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

On the Money: thinking theologically about the system of mammon – Online

Bruce Rogers-Vaughn

Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 7pm – 8.30pm, youtube livestream.

We are currently drowning in the fragmentary effects of profiteering in every aspect of our public life – failures in the social care of young and old, an affordable housing crisis, an economic crisis in Higher Education, low wages and poverty.

If we take seriously the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, as well as the historical developments from these traditions, money (and its usual companion, debt) is near the top, if not the top, social justice and ethical concern in scripture and history. Yet from Anselm forward, debt/money has increasingly become normalized as the central way Christians imagine God and salvation. (God is the Great Creditor, to whom we are all indebted, and salvation is the payment of our debt – the literal meaning of the word ‘redemption’.) This has had unfortunate consequences. It’s time to put money centre-stage in our theological reflection: money as ‘how’, not a ‘what’; money as a mode of relations. Join us for an exploration of how we might reform the mammon system, and think about money differently – as a practice of public care.

An online conversation between the General Secretary of Modern Church, Alison Webster and Bruce Rogers-Vaughn, public theologian, scholar, teacher, psychotherapist and author of ‘Caring for Souls in a Neoliberal Age’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).

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