David Walker, Bishop of Manchester: “Home Truths: a theological reflection on Coming Home”
January 3, 2023
Join us on January 26th, 7.30pm for an update on LLF with Helen King
January 17, 2023As supporters of the ordination of women for many years, Modern Church commends the statement made by our partner organisation WATCH regarding the appointment of Philip North as Bishop of Blackburn. While we wish the Bishop Elect well in his new role and thank God for his care, we continue to look for a future where women are treated with parity in society and the church.
Read WATCH’s statement here: https://womenandthechurch.org/news/the-nomination-of-the-rt-revd-philip-north-as-the-next-diocesan-bishop-of-blackburn/
Very pleased to see Modern Church supporting WATCH.
Yes, WATCH are quite right. There is the danger that we are too placatory in our statements. I cannot see how there can be a place in the church for a diocesan bishop who continues to hold a discriminatory position. We either believe in the full equality of human beings – that there is “no longer Jew of Greek, slave or free, male or female, for all are one in Christ Jesus” – or we must junk what lies at the heart of the Gospel.
WATCH are quite right. I think we can be over-placatory. No-one should be made a diocesan bishop whatever their other mertis if they do not subscribe to and further the full equality of humanity, which obviously rules out gender and sexual discimination.