History began when I was a child
July 19, 2022Lambeth: Colonialism, Power and Pawns
July 27, 2022Last week, we enjoyed a fabulous, inclusive and welcoming Conference – Living in Faith, Hope and Love – which brought together a range of speakers to cover much of what the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith project missed. If you didn’t manage to attend conference, which had to move online due to the climate crisis, then we will be releasing some video recordings in the coming weeks – stay tuned and make sure you are subscribed to the blog.
After such a heartening, affirming environment of healthy discussion about gender, sexuality, marriage and much more besides, we were swiftly brought back to reality by the shock inclusion of the Lambeth Conference’s ‘Call’ to reaffirm what is known as Lambeth 1.10: “that upholds marriage as between a man and a woman.” Even worse, the digital voting devices on whether or not to reaffirm this call included only two options: ‘yes’ and ‘this call requires further discernment’. The calls were released just days before Bishops were due to arrive at Lambeth, and seems to have blind-sided many in a move described as ‘bait and switch’. Suddenly, the first meeting of the conference in years was to reopen a deeply divisive issue in the Anglican Communion, leaving LGBTQI+ Christians once again stranded in a shock move that massively undermines the Church of England’s Living in Love process, which is only now moving into its ‘Next Steps’ phase.
A ripple of outrage has spread through many in the Anglican community. First, Twitter was aflame, then statements began appearing from bishops attending the conference and now we are in the incredible position where the bishop responsible for this section of the Lambeth Calls claims it was never included in any draft of their section of the document. As expected, the Church Times has covered the story, which is now making its way into the pages of the Guardian and other newspapers. Bishops across the world are speaking out and, finally, the Lambeth Conference Twitter account announced that its working group is convening to discuss the offending article. We await the results with bated breath but what is already clear
It is clear that many in the LGBTQI+ community feel once again let down, betrayed and reduced to a political talking point. Even worse, many had begun to let their guard down and have engaged, and endorsed, the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith project, only to feel that this work has been written off as the Bishops meet to discuss a deeply hurtful resolution from 24 years ago.
We, and many of our wonderful partner organisations, have been vocal – writing to bishops, tweeting and releasing a joint statement, signed by Prof. Elaine Graham, Chair of Modern Church Council (see below) condemning this needless and hurtful bungling by the Archbishop of Canterbury at a time when we had just, just begun to let our guards down.
P.s. we will add in references in due course.
[…] David Hamid Eurobishop The mind of the Communion Stephen London Anglican Diocese of Edmonton Bishop’s Statement on Lambeth Calls Susan Brown Snook Episcopal Diocese of San Diego Lambeth Calls Bishops of the Church in Wales Draft Lambeth Call “undermines and subverts” LGBT+ people – Bishops Colin Coward Unadulterated Love An Open Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England Mark D W Edington The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe Lambeth Stuff Andrew Nunn Reflections from the Dean of Southwark Lambeth calling … London calling Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Lambeth Call on Human Dignity draft didn’t include Lambeth 1998 Resolution 1.10 [includes statement by Bishop Kevin Robertson] Bishop of Ely and Bishop of Huntingdon Lambeth Conference 2022 – Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Ely Religion Media Centre Fury at inclusion of same sex marriage ban on Lambeth conference agenda Affirming Catholicism Open letter to the archbishops and bishops attending the 2022 Lambeth Conference Church Times Lambeth Resolution 1.10 ‘was not discussed’ in human dignity drafting group Barbara Gauthier Anglican Mainstream Lambeth Calls: Can a Church truly deal with the brokenness of the world if she herself is broken? The Guardian The Guardian view on the Lambeth conference: don’t make it about sexuality The Guardian Motion to oppose same-sex marriage forces rethink of Anglican summit Michael Curry The Episcopal Church Statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Lambeth Calls Bishop Tim Thornton Chair of the Lambeth Calls Subgroup Statement on Lambeth Calls Church Times Lambeth attempts to head off sexuality row in Canterbury with new draft Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Revisiting the Lambeth 1998 Resolution 1.10 plenary session Modern Church The Lambeth Conference: Modern Church’s Response […]
All praise to those who have got this onto the public agenda. The sooner the recordings of our wonderful Conference can be available (to the Bishops amongst others) the better.
Are we at liberty to forward/email this to Bishops etc. The Bishop of Bristol has written to Diocesan Clergy about her concerns around this subject and it might be good to send this as support etc. I agree with Anthony also.
What impact is GAFCON having on this conversation now? Is the Archbishop realigning himself to conform?