
Thursday Sept 21st 2023, 7.30pm, livestreamed on YouTube.

Join us for a roundtable discussion on the themes of the book of the same title, new out from SCM Press. Chaired by Alison Webster, General Secretary of Modern Church, with contributions from:

Anthony G Reddie and Carol Troupe (editors): why the book, and what next?

Followed by personal and political reflections on ‘what does Whiteness mean to and for us – how are we working for liberatory, anti-racist theological practice in our contexts’with:

Al Barrett – Rector of Hodge Hill Church, author of  https://modernchurch.org.uk/al-barrett-when-i-finally-realised-i-was-white

Ruth Harley – Curate of Watling Valley Ecumenical Partnership in Milton Keynes, co-author of ‘Being Interrupted: Re-imagining the Church’s Mission from the Outside, In’.

Angela Sheard – Curate at St Martin’s in the Fields, London, and author of https://modernchurch.org.uk/being-a-crossroads

Further details fromgensec@modernchurch.org.uk

September 5, 2023

Deconstructing Whiteness, Empire and Mission: What happens when ‘go, make disciples’ meets ‘Black Lives Matter’

Thursday Sept 21st 2023, 7.30pm, livestreamed on YouTube. Join us for a roundtable discussion on the themes of the book of the same title, new out […]
March 31, 2023

Angela Sheard “Being a crossroads: Navigating theological education and racial discourse in the Church of England as a mixed-race person”

On 25th May 2020, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who knelt on his neck for over 9 minutes, while he shouted “I can’t […]