The premise of the Church Growth Movement was simple: any enlargement is unquestionably good. Correspondingly, all available resources and thinking are placed at the disposal of […]
We’re celebrating! Modern Church has an impressive record of promoting liberal theology, and it’s now 100 years since our most celebrated conference. What we did in […]
Your Church Can Grow! Nine outstanding alumni pastors join Dr Robert Schuller for a power-packed Institute for Successful Church Leadership… You will learn…how they made their […]
My approach to this question is that of a priest and psychotherapist. I cannot ignore the developing nature of my faith and tradition. Neither can I […]
Think before you tweet. The Bishop of St Davids, Dr Joanna Penberthy, tweeted: The #Tory party have been scheming to abolish the Welsh Assembly since its […]
Nationalist racism, the idolising of aggressive leaders, the ever-increasing division between rich and poor: for those who don’t like it, the continuing success of reactionary movements […]
Faith and the kind of belief which brooks little questioning are two quite different things. The way in which these two words are either confused or […]