The name of John Polkinghorne came across my radar first in the early 1970s when as a brilliant theoretical physicist at Cambridge he taught a fellow […]
Religious discourse contains a persistent tension: between commitment to inherited beliefs and the search for truth. This post compares two debates, a current one and one […]
Jarel Robinson-Brown was quickly and widely denounced for his now-famous tweet. Since then others have leapt to his defence, arguing that the tweet was correct, or […]
Fergus Butler-Gallie has written an an interesting article on the changing relationship between the Church of England and the Conservative Party: The Church of England (CofE) […]
The link between religion, perhaps especially Christianity, and right-wing politics is not new. Historically, we’ve seen it before in Europe and in many other places. I’ve […]
Will be broadcast live on this webpage on January 28 at 7.30pm. If you would like to receive a notification then please subscribe below: We […]