‘Those resisting responsibility will hear blame’ writes one of the respondents to my last post. They may, but whether they hear it or not, blame does […]
At the end of yesterday’s edition of Radio 4’s ‘Woman’s Hour’, Emma Barnett has her guests, John Humphries and Jon Snow, cornered like rats. There is […]
The free market? There is no such thing. Neoliberal economists rule the world. Whenever they smell out a corner not subjected to their government, they set […]
Thanks to all who joined us for a fascinating continuation of our Christ and Controversy lecture series. You can watch back using the Youtube link below. Join […]
Economics has been called ‘the dismal science’? Is it? Humanity has now reached the stage where we need international conferences on how to stop trashing the […]
The first of our three part lecture series designed to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Girton Conference was delivered by Revd Canon Prof Mark Chapman, […]